Industry Info

Daily maintenance of organic fertilizer equipment


Organic fertilizer equipment is the key to our organic fertilizer production, but individual customers tend to overlook a problem when using organic fertilizer equipment. That is, these devices also need regular maintenance, so as to prolong their service life.

1. Keep the work site clean, and the residual plastic sand inside and outside the fertilizer granulator should be completely removed after each organic fertilizer equipment is finished. Wipe the exposed processing surface of the organic fertilizer equipment clean, apply anti-rust paint, and put on a corresponding protective cover to prevent secondary intrusion of dust.

2. The anchor bolts of the production equipment in the organic fertilizer production line are loose or the anchor foundation is not firm. During installation or maintenance, the anchor bolts should be tightened. A shock-absorbing device should be installed between the anchor foundation and the crusher to reduce vibration. Time planning should also be carried out in daily use, try not to let it run under high load for a long time, etc.

3. Before starting the organic fertilizer granulator, check whether the lines are connected correctly, and check whether the supply of water and electricity is normal. The gear lubricating oil must be added to the reduction box, and the amount of oil added is based on the oil that can be seen on the liquid level gauge, not too little or too much.

Inadequate equipment protection will easily affect the granulation effect of materials, resulting in waste of materials and increased cost loss. Therefore, people are reminded that they must pay attention to cultivating the habit of daily maintenance of equipment, and carefully check the parts.