Industry Info

How do rollers in fertilizer production lines distribute coating materials?


How is the coating material distributed in the roller of the fertilizer production line?
The coating drum uses nozzles to atomize the coating into fine particles which are then sprayed onto the material bed. As the drum rotates, collisions and friction between the materials cause the coating to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the material.

Can a coating drum handle powder coatings? Or only liquid coatings?
The coating drum can dispense both powder and liquid coatings.
Does the fertilizer production line need a dryer after the material is coated?
Usually not. Unless the moisture content of the coating is very high and needs to be removed, there is no need for an additional drying process.
Are the coating drums batch or continuous?
While coating drums are available in both configurations, continuous coating drums are used for high capacity production environments such as fertilizer pelletizing plants.
What is the difference between coating drums and conveyor belt coating?
Coating drums offer several key advantages over coating on conveyor belts.
Provides a more uniform coating effect due to mixing in the drum.
Avoids the problem of only the outermost layer of material being coated on the conveyor belt
Reduces the problem of overspray 
What is the residence time of the material in the coating drum?
The dwell time or residence time depends on the time required to meet product quality specifications and therefore varies greatly from process to process, from 30 seconds to over an hour.
How can I tell if a coating drum is suitable for my fertilizer production line?
Coating drums are suitable for coating any flowable material and have significant advantages over conveyor belt coating. Specific questions or challenges, as well as the determination of key process parameters, can be addressed through process development testing.