Industry Info

How to efficiently remove water in organic fertilizer production process?


In organic fertilizer production process, raw materials usually include animal and plant residues, agricultural waste, etc., and these raw materials themselves contain certain moisture. Proper moisture content is conducive to microbial fermentation and decomposition of organic matter, but too high moisture will lead to fermentation process obstruction, affecting the maturity and fertilizer efficiency of organic fertilizer. In addition, organic fertilizers with high moisture content are also more prone to mildew and decay during storage and transportation, affecting product quality and use effect.

Efficient method of removing moisture from materials
1. Natural drying method
Natural drying method is the most traditional and simplest way to remove moisture from materials. By laying the material on the ground or building a drying rack, the natural action of sunlight and wind is used to evaporate the water in the material. This method is simple and easy, but it is greatly affected by weather conditions and takes a long time.
2. Mechanical extrusion
The mechanical extrusion method is to squeeze the material through mechanical equipment and extrude the water in the material. This method can greatly improve the efficiency of removing water, but the equipment cost is high and requires a certain amount of energy.
3. Hot air drying
Hot air drying method is a method of drying materials with hot air. Hot air is generated through the heating equipment, and the hot air is sent to the drying chamber, so that the material quickly evaporates water in the hot air. This method has the advantages of high drying efficiency and short drying time, but needs to consume a certain amount of energy, and needs to pay attention to control the drying temperature and time to avoid damage to the material.

4. Vacuum drying method
Vacuum drying is a method of drying materials under low pressure environment. Under vacuum conditions, the boiling point of water is reduced, so rapid drying can be achieved at lower temperatures. This method not only has high drying efficiency, but also can effectively protect the nutrients and active substances in the material. However, the equipment cost is higher and the operation is more complicated.
How to choose the right water removal method?
In organic fertilizer production process ,when selecting the appropriate water removal method, factors such as the nature of raw materials, production scale, equipment conditions and energy costs need to be considered. For small-scale production or raw material moisture content is not high, natural drying method or mechanical extrusion method can be used; For large-scale production or high-efficiency drying, you can choose hot air drying or vacuum drying method. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to control the drying temperature and time to avoid unnecessary damage to the material.

In organic fertilizer production process , efficient removal of material moisture is an important link to ensure product quality and yield. The quality and yield of organic fertilizer can be effectively improved by selecting suitable water removal methods and strictly controlling drying conditions