Industry Info

Reasons why flat die granulator is popular


The flat die granulator is an ideal equipment for granulating organic fertilizers, compound fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, and feed, and the granulated products are cylindrical strips.

1. The flat die granulator breaks through the conventional organic granulation process, and does not need to dry and crush the raw materials before granulation. And there is no need to add additional water during the granulation process, so there is no need to use drying equipment to dry the granulated finished product after the granulation is completed. This can greatly reduce the equipment investment cost and drying energy consumption of the organic fertilizer production line.

2. It has a wide range of applications, not only applicable to the granulation of organic fertilizers, breeding feeds and other fertilizer feeds, but also suitable for the granulation of chemical and metallurgical materials such as potassium chloride, ammonium sulfate, etc. It is suitable for the granulation of coal, kaolin, stone powder and other materials, and it is also an ideal granulation equipment for biomass energy particles. One machine for many purposes.

3. The output of the ring die fertilizer granulator is at a high transfer speed, and the material is easily damaged when it is discharged. The flat die fertilizer granulator has a low speed, the material is not easy to damage, and the particle size is hard and uniform. The size of the finished particles is related to the grinding tools used, and users can choose the size of the finished particles according to their own preferences.

Fertilizer investors should choose suitable fertilizer manufacturing equipment according to their own needs.