Industry Info

What should we do if there is a problem with the chicken manure organic fertilizer production equipment during use?


The organic fertilizer produced from chicken manure contains a large amount of amino acids and organic matter, as well as nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium required for plant growth, which can improve the soil and improve the continuous production capacity of the soil. This method of using chicken manure organic fertilizer production line to produce bio-organic fertilizer to realize the resource utilization of farming waste has broad application prospects in the fertilizer manufacturing industry.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer production equipment needs fermentation turning machine, chain crusher, fertilizer granulator, horizontal mixer, drum screener machine, half-wet material crusher, cooler, dryer, coating machine, packaging machine, etc. equipment. Among them, the fertilizer granulator plays an important role in the whole organic fertilizer production line.

Common organic fertilizer granulators include: double roller press granulator, rotary drum granulator, disc granulator, new type organic fertilizer granulator, flat die granulator, etc. In the process of chicken manure organic fertilizer production and granulation, some problems will inevitably be encountered. How to solve the common problems of organic fertilizer granulator.

1. The shape of the finished chicken manure fertilizer particles is uneven.

If this happens, it may be related to the fineness of your material. Generally, the finer the material powder, the rounder the particles, on the contrary, the coarser the material powder, the more irregular the particles. Alternatively, you can also adjust the temperature.

2. The finished organic chicken manure particles are too large.

This can happen when you have a new chicken manure pelletizer. What you need to do is reduce the moisture content of the chicken manure material. The material is in powder form. In order to form granules, some water needs to be added for condensation. If you add more water, the particles get larger, and if you add less water, the particles get smaller. At the same time, it should be noted that if the moisture content of the material you feed is higher than 40%, it may block the fertilizer granulator.

3. The current is unstable.

If you encounter this problem, it is necessary for you to stop the machine. Then it is best to check whether the main engine and bearing are normal.